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Digital Measures stores information about faculty publications, presentations, grants, and other professional activity. Schools use Digital Measures to fulfill administrative reporting requirements. Your faculty profile page on the Pace website is also created from the information you enter in Digital Measures.

How to Get This Service

If you are required to keep an updated profile, your department will notify you and request an account be created for you.

Faculty that already have an account can go to the page and use their Pace credentials to get started.


Consult with your department chair if you have questions about what type or how much content you are required to enter in Digital Measures as this varies by school.

For any inquiries about this service, or to submit a request, please click this link to submit a (Pace Portal username, password, and Duo MFA passcode required for login).

Learn More

How to Update Your Profile

This tutorial gives a step-by-step introduction to operating Digital Measures. It includes how to log in, navigate the interface, add information and update your Faculty Activity Report..

This tutorial will show you how to delete an item in Digital Measures.

A guide for finding out what goes where. Useful for learning where sections from your CV belong in Digital Measures.

Inserting EndNote Citations

EndNote allows you to select specific sources that you want to include in a BibTeX file which can be exported and . This allows you to import citations of your professional activities without having to re-enter all of the information manually. For more information, please see the .

Report Templates

Digital Measures has built-in reports that can be included when preparing grant applications for the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and National Science Foundation (NSF).

This tutorial shows how to add items in the NIH or NSF Biographical Sketch reports in Digital Measures. Please note: This is designed to help with creating a biographical sketch for NIH/NSF proposals. Please contact the Office of Academic Technologies with any feedback on the template in Digital Measures.

Proposal Development
The Office of Research and Graduate Education provides assistance with grant proposal development and resources for creating the NIH and NSF biographical sketches.


Academic Technologies maintains a list of about Digital Measures.