
Large Classroom with 2 Projectors and Multiple TV Displays

Academic Technology Events

Upcoming AT Events Schedule

Faculty and staff are invited to attend the training sessions below. Conducted through Zoom, participants can join from a computer or mobile device. Please check the schedule regularly for updates and changes.

Educational Media and Academic Technology are offering a wide variety of training sessions in different modalities.

Educational Media is offering sessions on teaching classroom technologies such as Zoom, Kahoot!, Panopto Lecture Capture, Poll Everywhere and more. Please, reach out to Educational Media by sending an email to Edmediahelp@pace.edu.

Academic Technology is offering sessions on Brightspace/Classes and other associated academic technology tools. Academic Technology can also be reached by sending an email to acadtech@pace.edu.

Academic Technology Events Calendar

Recorded Training Sessions

    For questions or comments, please reach out to Academic Technology at acadtech@pace.edu.