
Group of students sitting on a  bench in Manhattan talking and laughing.

New Hire Onboarding Programs

Welcome to ΒιΆΉ΄«Γ½! We are excited to have you join the Pace Community.

The people of Pace are the institution's most valuable resource, and as you start your onboarding, weΒιΆΉ΄«Γ½™ve got you! We believe that onboarding is an ongoing process and to help lay the groundwork for a successful employment experience, Human Resources sponsors three important programs. Please see below for details about these programs, including information for registration and attendance.

We look forward to seeing you at all three programs!

Questions? Please email NHO@pace.edu.

Go-Getters New Hire Welcome Monthly Onboarding Program

Human ResourcesΒιΆΉ΄«Γ½™ virtual onboarding experience, Go-Getters New Hire Welcome, is designed to provide helpful information as you begin your career with Pace, and to support you in getting set up for success. You will learn about the systems you will be using regularly, what you can expect during your onboarding experience, the benefits of being a Pace employee, important resources, and how we communicate best as a team.

You will receive a calendar invitation from New Hire Orientation (NHO@pace.edu) for our next Go-Getters New Hire Welcome. DonΒιΆΉ΄«Γ½™t miss out on this opportunity to learn more about being part of the ΒιΆΉ΄«Γ½œGo-GetterΒιΆΉ΄«Γ½ team, and the chance to meet other new hires and your future colleagues!

New Hire Orientation Event each Semester

The two-hour program will be held in both New York City and Pleasantville (for all Westchester campuses). The event will include a welcome from Human Resources, snacks, a campus tour, and representation and information from a wide variety of departments around the University.ΒιΆΉ΄«Γ½―This will also be a great opportunity to network with colleagues across other departments.

you would like to attend and then click the continue button. DonΒιΆΉ΄«Γ½™t forget to register for the campus tour if you wish to attend that as well! The last Orientation dates were May 23 on the NYC Campus, and May 29 on the Pleasantville Campus. Please continue to check the registration page as the fall semester dates will be posted there as they are scheduled.

Benefits Orientation

A virtual Benefits Orientation is held twice a month via Zoom. Review Pace's New Hire Benefits and Orientation dates on the New Hire Benefits orientation webpages.