
The Department views itself as a leader in the blending of management theory, faculty research, and practice into a curriculum that enhances:

  1. theoretical understanding of management and its ethical obligations,
  2. development of management skills through instructional innovation,
  3. use of technology including management simulations and software,
  4. understanding of how management activities affect the world and may differ internationally, and
  5. ability to match management theories and techniques to specific situations.

The Department believes that all business students must be prepared for entry into the management ranks as upward mobility invariably involves promotion into management. To support this eventuality, the Department offers core courses at both the undergraduate and graduate level. We also believe that an array of majors is important to serve students' interests and provide quality majors linked to a variety of careers. Our broader majors are often of particular interest to transfer students and students without specific management career goals while our more focused majors emphasize more explicit career goals and can provide the opportunity for an international emphasis in such areas of the world as Asia, Europe, and Latin America.