
Management Student Life

Student organizations for management majors transform regular students into career professionals with events that enhance knowledge, expand competitive strength, and broaden networking opportunities.

A student-run hub for Arts and Entertainment Management majors, AEMIN organizes events that enhance knowledge, expand competitive strength, and broaden networking opportunities. For more information, email Professor Chris Ramos at cramos@pace.edu.

New York

The premier honor society for business and financial information professionals, BAP provides interaction among students, faculty, and professionals, and fosters lifelong growth, service, and ethical conduct. For more information, , email bap@pace.edu, or contact faculty advisor Professor Myojung Cho at mcho@pace.edu.

New York City

TEAM PACE provides Lubin graduate students with opportunities to learn, grow, and share experiences within the arts and entertainment management industries. For more information, email teampace@pace.edu.

New York City

The Entrepreneurship Club brings together future entrepreneurs across disciplines to study and learn together and immerse themselves in the startup community. The Club is closely aligned with Pace Entrepreneurship Studio. For more information, email Professor Josh Seo at jseo@pace.edu.

New York City

A chapter of the internal society for practitioners in the fields of analytics, operations research, and management science, INFORMS facilitates the exchange of information about the ever-changing methods and techniques of the industry. For more information, email Professor Janice Winch at jwinch@pace.edu.

New York City

LBA is the Pleasantville-based planning organization for all events and opportunities for business majors. LBA works with other student organizations to produce and host campus events that help students gain success in business disciplines. For more information, email lba.pace@gmail.com or contact faculty advisor Professor Barbara Farrell at bfarrell@pace.edu.
