
Students take a selfie in front of NYC skyline.

College Readiness

About the Course

Acquire and practice the tools and techniques necessary to compose successful written work at the university level. Students will examine the audience, register, intent, construction, editing and evaluation of writing for academic purposes. The class is structured to integrate written language theory and rules with practical application and will stress critical thinking and decision making as they relate to academic writing and other assigned writing.


  • Improve speaking through group discussions and formal presentations of research findings;
  • Use academic language (specifically target vocabulary) effectively in writing and presentations;
  • Become accomplished in the writing process including; audience, register, intent, construction, editing, revision and proofreading.
  • Demonstrate academic readiness in a university classroom environment by coming prepared for class, engaging and cooperating with peers and the instructor, interacting appropriately in the target language, and respecting classroom policies and procedures