
Student Resources

  • Financial support: scholarships, awards, graduate assistantships
  • Professional experiences: graduate assistantships, sponsorship to attend and present at conferences, professional development workshops
  • Research opportunities
  • Global/Glocal Opportunities: Study Abroad Programs/Elective Courses, Global Health Service Learning, Fulbright, and glocal experiential learning opportunities.

View all available student resources

Faculty Resources

  • Grant Writing and Management (pre- to post-award)
  • Research/Scholarship Facilitation
  • Professional Services: Statistician & Editor
  • Conference Travel
  • Graduate Assistants to support teaching, research, and special projects
  • Faculty Development Colloquia & Workshops
  • Global Opportunities including teaching and collaborative research.

View all available faculty resources

External Funding

  • Grants management: pre- to post-award
  • Endowments: faculty and student awards
  • Development of funding strategies

View all external funding opportunities


  • Leadership development programs
  • Coordination with internal and external partners
  • Workshops, lectures, conferences


  • Program and research collaboration
  • Collaborative grant applications
  • Consulting opportunities
  • Lectures, workshops
  • International exchanges
  • Community outreach