
Ergonomics is the science of arranging the work environment to fit an individual. Fitting workplace conditions to an individual helps to make the work station more comfortable and improves both health and productivity.

Ergonomic hazards refer to workplace conditions that pose the risk of injury to the musculoskeletal system of the worker. Examples of musculoskeletal injuries include tennis elbow (an inflammation of a tendon in the elbow) and carpal tunnel syndrome (a condition affecting the hand and wrist). Ergonomic hazards may include repetitive and forceful movements, vibration, temperature extremes, and awkward postures that arise from improper work methods or improperly designed workstations, tools, and equipment.

Ergonomics looks at the type of work conducted, the tools used, and the conditions of the surrounding work environment. Examples of ergonomic changes may include:

  • adjustments to a physical workstation
  • adjustments to posture or technique
  • adjustments to environmental factors

Ergonomics helps to make sure you are safe, comfortable, and less susceptible to work-related injuries. It is not the solution to pre-existing injuries and is not a substitute for medical consultation. Obtain the opinion of your Doctor or Healthcare Provider if you experience the symptoms of:

  • tingling
  • numbness
  • pain in fingers, hands or wrists
  • loss of strength or coordination
  • sprain or severe strain

Additional information on ergonomics