
Tanya Wiggins

Tanya Wiggins

Associate Professor
School of Education
School of Education NY
Buchsbaum House
11th Floor
163 William Street
| Office Hours: Mon, Wed 12:00am-4:00pm


Faculty Bio

Dr. Wiggins has over 25 years of experience as an educator. She bridges research and practice by exploring the triumphs and challenges of community-based youth organizations as educational spaces.


EdD, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, 2013
Educational & Organizational Leadership

M.Ed., Temple University, Philadelphia, PA, 1999
Urban Education

BA, Swarthmore College, Swarthmore, PA, 1992
English & Education

Research and Creative Works

Research Interest

Youth-generated social capital, Community-based educational spaces beyond the school

Grants, Sponsored Research and Contracts

My Brother's Keeper Teacher Opportunity Corps II
Wiggins, T. G. & Musti, S. September 2021. State. Funded. The Teachers of Color-Empowerment Network (TOC-EN), funded by MBK-TOC II, aims to recruit, retain, coach and mentor candidates from historically underrepresented communities for entry into the teaching profession. The program also hopes to sustain participants in the field by providing additional support during the first year of teaching.

Courses Taught

Past Courses

ED 631: Educational Psychology
ED 690: Teacher as Researcher
EDG 601: Social Foundations
EDG 602: Adolescent Development
EDG 605: General Assessment
EDG 606: Learning Environments
EDG 607: Supporting Positive Behavior
EDG 610: Methods in Inclusive Settings
EDG 613: Social Stds Instrctn & Assmnt
EDG 616: Cross-Disciplinary Instruction
EDG 638: Scty, Schls, & Adlscnt Dvlpmnt
TCH 201: Edctn I: Understanding Schools
TCH 203: Undrstndng Dvlop:Childhd & Ado
TCH 215: Curr & Tching - Scndry Schools
TCH 215: Understanding Tchng & Learning
TCH 301: Edu II: Undrstndng Lrng & Tchg
TCH 309: Undrstndng Assessment & Eval
TCH 323: Mthds & Mdls of Tchng Adlscnts
TCH 430: Tchng Soc Stds to Adolescents

Publications and Presentations


Critical Reflections on Tensions in Authentic Youth-Adult Partnerships
Medina, J. C., Baldridge, B. J. & Wiggins, T. G. (2020). Charlotte, NC , United States:Information Age Publishing.


Critical Reflections on Tensions in Authentic Youth-Adult Partnerships
Wiggins, T. G. (2020). AERA Annual Meeting. American Educational Research Association,

Professional Contributions and Service

Professional Memberships

  • American Educational Research Association

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