
Parenting, Prison, and Pups Programming

Join Dr. Kimberly Collica-Cox, a criminal justice professor at Pace, as she gives students an overview of the jail programming at Pace, a unique opportunity for students to take classes or volunteer inside the Westchester county jail! These classes are a perfect chance to learn about the inside of corrections and are available to take for any and all majors, fulfilling the various AOKs and civic engagement requirements. Students will also get to meet Anna, a therapy dog who is attends these jail-based classes!

March 5
12:15pm to 1:15pm
Event Type:
Current Students
Add To Calendar2025-03-05 12:15:00 2025-03-05 13:15:00 Parenting, Prison, and Pups Programming

<p>Join Dr. Kimberly Collica-Cox, a criminal justice professor at Pace, as she gives students an overview of the jail programming at Pace, a unique opportunity for students to take classes or volunteer inside the Westchester county jail! These classes are a perfect chance to learn about the inside of corrections and are available to take for any and all majors, fulfilling the various AOKs and civic engagement requirements. Students will also get to meet Anna, a therapy dog who is attends these jail-based classes!</p>

Criminal Justice Society - NY abhavancheekar@pace.edu America/New_York public
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